Very insightful! Sad, but insightful. And the key, I think, is choosing what is most profitable. As a society, as a culture, we have long been trained by those in charge of the changepurse, to value what sends the most money their way. The line was set in the aftermath of 9/11, the last time the US had enough solidarity to at least try to do something together. When asked what we, the people, should do in the face of this threat, we were told, "keep buying stuff". Most of the psychological breakdowns in our country can be traced to this fundamental disbelief in our own innate value. If the only value we have is tied to what we can buy, and the amount of what we can buy is steadily dropping, we must create other reasons to justify feeling good about ourselves. Which brings us full circle to your article. We don't really care about Ukranians, as a country, but pretending that we do allows us to temporarily deflect our own self-hate.