I wanted to get married in the Catholic church. They don't believe in divorce, so a whole lot of people were getting their marriages annulled (meaning they were never married, not that they were married and ended the marriage). The problem with that is that any kids retroactively become illegitimate bastards. In response, the Catholic church figured out what the most common reasons for getting annulled were, and created a test to be sure you weren't meeting any of these criteria. Some of the ones were viewing marriage as a way to "save" you from your current situation, viewing yourself as a character in a fairy tale, and being afraid of what the other person would do if you refused to marry them. A bunch of others were less obvious, like whose role it should be to do various household chores, if it was okay for the woman to make more money than the man, and others where there was no specific right answer. The important thing was that the couple had the SAME answer, whatever it was. (You took the tests individually, so you couldn't be influenced in your answers or talk them over with your fiance.) Then there were a series of movies you had to watch, which were both tedious and poorly acted. They aspired one day to achieve the level of a Hallmark Channel movie. Those are formulaic and predictable, but at least they're enjoyable to watch. Within the first five minutes, I could tell exactly what was going to happen over the next hour and twenty minutes. I think I got one plot point wrong -- and they went with something that was even STUPIDER than I'd predicted. Then there were the counseling sessions with the priest. That wasn't bad, because we could chat with my hometown parish priest, who was an awesome guy that both my husband and I were very fond of. He could tell pretty quickly that we were not going to be a problem, so he milked us for anecdotes he could use in our wedding ceremony. :-) But you asked about the prenup process. We took all the questions from the quiz as a starting point, then added all the things that people tended to get in legal battles over.