I never wanted kids - didn't play with dolls, though babies were loud, stinky things that only became interesting when they could start to talk. Then I had a past life regression of dying in childbirth. It was so vivid that, when I came out of it, I was patting my body to check that all my internal organs were where they should be.
A short time later, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and had to have the entire reproductive system removed. I firmly believe that was a manifestation of my reaction, of no way, no how, not in this life am I risking that.
If women want to make the choice to be childless, more power to them.
I feel sorry for the women who WANT children, but can't afford them, either financially or time-wise. (Or both, because if they cut back their work to have time for a kid, they couldn't afford a kid.)