Hi, Jules! Yes, the vast majority of "How to Write" stories are written by people who have discovered there's a market for "How to Write" stories. :-) As opposed to, you know, people who actually have some useful wisdom to share. And the only way to find THOSE "How to Write" articles is by reading -- and discovering the good writers. :-) So you're already ahead of the curve, by focusing on reading. lol.
There are a number of groups that do prompts -- search for "writing prompts" and you'll find a ton out there. The one I've joined is at "the Challenged" -- it's unique because the writers themselves are the ones who propose the prompts. https://medium.com/the-challenged
Click on the "write with us" tab, and that should tell you how to join the pub. Then the daily prompts are at the top of the page.
Welcome, in advance!