33 "normal" palindromic numbers, plus (888) 888-8888, the palindromic toll-free number. There are 315 state area codes. Excluding all the palindrome area codes with 0 as a middle number, because the 7-digit phone number can't start with 0, that leaves 33 palindromic state area codes: 212 (NY), 252 (NC), 262 (WI), 272 (PA), 313 (MI), 323 (CA), 414 (WI), 414 (CA), 434 (VA), 464 (IL), 484 (PA), 515 (IA), 575 (NM), 585 (NY), 616 (MI), 626 (CA), 636 (MO), 646 (NY), 717 (PA), 727 (FL), 737 (TX), 747 (CA), 757 (VA), 818 (CA), 828 (NC), 848 (NJ), 858 (CA), 919 (NC), 929 (NY), 949 (CA), 959 (CT), 979 (TX), 989 (MI). I don't know whether or not the palindromic numbers exist in these area codes, but they _could_.